There is no such thing as being too careful when it comes to dealing with asbestos.
Exposure to asbestos can cause serious, long-term and potentially fatal diseases such as lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis, all of which can take many years to display their associated symptoms.
While the use of asbestos has been phased out in building materials since the late 1980s, it wasn’t until the 31st of December, 2003 that a total ban on manufacture, use, reuse, import of all forms of asbestos was banned throughout Australia. Because of this, many commercial and domestic buildings still contain asbestos meaning exposure to the deadly material is still an ongoing risk, particularly for roofers, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, firefighters, auto mechanics, insulators and more.
For people working in industries where exposure to asbestos is possible, it is important to undergo workplace training to maintain a safe working environment. Asbestos Awareness Training provides crucial information regarding the health risks of exposure which further encourages workers to stay hyper-vigilant on the job. These courses help workers identify the potential source of asbestos so that they can approach these areas with caution and know what to look for to better protect, not only themselves but also their team members and those around them from exposure to the deadly material.
Workers will also learn about the appropriate protective clothing and proper management procedures to ensure they are not moving any asbestos fibers to a new location where they will continue to be a hazard to unsuspecting people.
Proper training helps your team learn about what to do in an emergency situation, should an asbestos incident arise and how to deal with it as swiftly and safely as possible, minimising the risk of exposure.
At Hazmat Services, we specialize in asbestos air monitoring, clearance inspections sampling, testing, identification, survey and risk assessment and awareness training. Contact us today for more information.